Peak Performer
Peak Performer
EP005 Becoming The Performatist

EP005 Becoming The Performatist

The Performatist is a concept of the individualised yet universal self. It is that version of humanity that grows out of self-direction and autonomy. The Performatist is the one who makes a dent in their own particular corner of the world. Whether that dent is small or large is irrelevant. What is important is that we become the active agent in command of our own work and life experience. This is not a narcissistic, neo-liberal capitalist position that insists you must be the quintessential entrepreneur, take on the world and conquer it. In this philosophy, material gain and worldly recognition are secondary or even tertiary to the primary motivation. The Performatist is someone who is self-determined and self-directed but humanistic and in tune with the impact of their actions on others. To The Performatist, there is nothing to gain except inherent enjoyment of the work and no one to conquer except themselves. In this way, The Performatist is the one who follows their own path, not for success’ sake, but for the enjoyment of the work itself.

Peak Performer
Peak Performer
A show about the psychology of human performance in all domains of business, work, the arts, and sport from organisational psychologist and lecturer Larry G. Maguire. On Peak Performer, you can get tips and advice on how to obtain the best from yourself and others while maintaining psychological health. We'll examine aspects of performance such as leadership, motivation, well-being, expertise, intelligence, personality and positive psychology. Learn to manage stress and anxiety, cope under pressure and produce consistently higher-level performance at work with the psychological skills of experts. Read more at