Peak Performer
Peak Performer
EP006 Creativity & The Autotelic Personality

EP006 Creativity & The Autotelic Personality

In this episode, we will explore the autotelic personality and the aspects of the self essential for peak experience in work, sport and indeed, life. We will also explore the nine optimal conditions for Flow according to psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. High performance in all domains of work and play requires it, and the degree to which we may cultivate these aspects of personality will almost certainly influence our performance results. Want to become a better actor, writer, craftsperson, athlete or businessperson? Consider these 9 aspects of the autotelic personality and work consistently to build them in yourself. Read about The Autotelic Personality

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Peak Performer
Peak Performer
A show about the psychology of human performance in all domains of business, work, the arts, and sport from organisational psychologist and lecturer Larry G. Maguire. On Peak Performer, you can get tips and advice on how to obtain the best from yourself and others while maintaining psychological health. We'll examine aspects of performance such as leadership, motivation, well-being, expertise, intelligence, personality and positive psychology. Learn to manage stress and anxiety, cope under pressure and produce consistently higher-level performance at work with the psychological skills of experts. Read more at